Chat life for telegram

 Chat life for telegram
wordpress dev Feb 21, 2022 0.1.2

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Plugin to create a simple real-time chat on a site running wordpress

The feature is a link and a reply directly from the chat telegram


Everything is simple here. The plugin is available from the wordpress repository (Plugins -> add new -> search -   Chat life for telegram ).
Or download the Chat life for telegram archive.
Activate and go to settings.


Chat life for telegram settings

Fill in the fields such as, Token and chat id

Token - How to get it can be read here 
chat id - chat
id (numeric), where messages will come

Save !!

Configure chat:

  • title - the title of the chat button
  • Message One - The first message the user sees when opening a chat


(You need to install webhook to exchange messages). Press SET -  if you received a message ( Webhook was set ), all is well))) 


So far, 2 topics are supported. More will be available to choose from.

You can attach your style file via the tcl_theme_list filter

 add_filter('tcl_theme_list', function ($data) {
            $data[3] = [
                'name' => 'My theme',
                'url' => '/css/my-them.css',
            return $data;

Once connected, your css will be listed in the settings 

Chat on the site

Depending on the topic, it may look different 

Chat life for telegram

Example of work 


For developers

Filters available

tcl_webhook_input - filter data webhook
tcl_send_telegram_before_text - text send to telegram

Hooks are available



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